Surdak wondered whether he should just say a few words and send the boss of the business group away.

Malacombe walked into the barracks, and the whole barracks was still in high spirits after just winning a battle.
Walking all the way to the barracks, I can always hear some soldiers whispering that they are all going to the town to buy some local native products and prepare to mail them home.
As a businessman, Malacombe knows what it means to win a war.
I also know that the real value of red ants with ghost stripes is those hard nails.
He thought that Commander Surdak had previously checked a large number of leather goods.
In the mind a little estimate took a deep breath, the garrison commander’s adult … This harvest is really a lot.
In that case, it is estimated that he will find something soft in the battlefield magic core, and how can he get less magic spar?
Commander Surdak must be short of money. Even if he takes out a bag of gold coins, he may not be able to let the garrison commander look up.
Maracombe then sighed in his heart that this victory is really not the right time!
For Malacombe, he would rather have a failure in Duodan town, so that he could get a batch of emergency supplies to win the favor of the garrison commander.
On second thought, if this garrison commander really lost a battle, whether he would invest in this commander or not!
He followed Surdak to the small building in the barracks and saw the graceful Selena.
Malacombe’s eyes flashed. At this moment, he felt that he should find a breakthrough.
This garrison commander actually brought a woman into the barracks! You have a lot of guts.
Then he saw Nika and thought how much she liked the woman who actually hired the aborigines as maids!
But having hobbies … That’s a good thing.
Malacombe sat on the sofa in the living room and looked at the small building casually, thinking about how to transfer the topic to the slave body.
Nowadays, the Elf Dynasty of the Green Empire has established an alliance slave market. It is rare to see the Elf Orc tribe. There are many earth walkers and weavers traveling around the world. No one dares to treat the orcs as slaves. It is absolutely too long to do so.
Half-elf girls and half-orc girls are very common in the Green Empire, and they are available in the slave market in Wilkes City.
In Ghana, female slaves are scarce, and the living conditions of female slaves in Janna are harsh. Not only do you need to build a large swimming pool, but you also need to change the seawater every day. If you don’t live by the sea, raising female slaves in Janna will be very high.
Malacombe was a little hasty in coming to Dodan this time, and there were no suitable gifts around him.
He and Commander Surdak have just met, and it is impossible to force a slave girl to each other as soon as they meet. Even if Malacombe can take it out, the other commander may not accept it.
According to his experience, it is necessary to establish a certain letter before there is room for manoeuvre.
Sitting in the living room, Maracombe thought about it at random before she put away her mind and said to Surdak with a smile
"Commander’s adult thank you for taking photos of our business group in the last week! I have to say that Duodan Town has the best public security in many small towns around here! "
Surdak nodded at once and asked, "When will your caravan return to Wilkes City in Emarakombe Pavilion? I want to know how long it will take for those furs to arrive in Bena. "
"The third caravan should return to Wilkes for a week in three to five days, and the leather goods will be sent to Bena." Malacombe glanced at his assistant and said, "Please rest assured that once the leather goods arrive in Bena, we will send the receipt to you."
I heard that the goods will arrive in Bena City in a week. Surdak said with a little confidence and happiness, "Did your caravan return to Wilkes City so soon? I also hope that the caravan will meet these two thunder rhinos somewhere and return to Wilkes City together! "
The boss of Malacombe shook his head slightly and said truthfully, "Although these two thunder rhinos can still live for 20 years, they are too badly bruised and silted up. I’m going to put them in the pasture to make them recover and then send them to the trading market as breeding thunder rhinos."

"I really forgot." Tian Tang rubbed his nose and pressed the itching away. "I really didn’t sneeze on purpose this time, but it hit itself. If it weren’t for illness, someone must have read me behind my back and it was definitely not a good thing."

You Ning pulled a chair and sat in front of Tian Tang. "There are indeed many rumors about you during this period. Some people have asked if they can get the secret book of cultivating immortals from you before."
"cultivate immortality? That thing if I have my own practice "Tian Tang staggering way" goddess title is good, but it does have some sequelae, but fortunately, I didn’t do things with the goddess title at first, otherwise this time is really in a dilemma "
"Have you made a decision?" Youning looked at her.
Tian Tang Xiao smiled and nodded. "Well, it’s a matter of time before we make a decision. After all, our future should be a scientific world. Although the name of the goddess is good, the goddess can’t really live forever after all. Sooner or later, people should gradually adapt to the living environment without the shelter of the goddess."
"in fact, when you sent someone to study weapons, you already thought about what to do, didn’t you?" You Ning smiled and said, "You always say that you are not very clever, but you step on the important steps every step."
"It’s not because I always look at people on the shoulders of giants," Tian Tang solemnly said. "My former husband’s environment determines my vision, and it also determines that I do what I do, but I give back."
"We will always be with you when you are less." You Ning got up and patted Tian Tang’s shoulder. "Go to the school and correct the business. Don’t be lazy."
"Really, you have to correct your course?" Tian Tang once again complained that "I corrected the primary school, and I corrected the middle school. That’s fine. I don’t think it’s a problem that I can correct the primary and secondary schools, but what university industry do I have to correct?"
"Ha ha" YouNing sneer at two "you and me? You should have thought of this consequence when you arrested me as a able-bodied man, or I would have quit! "
"You are so fierce." Tian Tang’s pie mouth obediently sat back. "It’s not difficult to correct the industry. It’s not difficult at all."
You Ning looked at her and couldn’t help laughing. "What do you want for lunch?"
Tian Tang suddenly looked up and reported a series of dishes "Braised lion’s head, roasted pig’s trotters in sauce, braised prawns in oil … shall we go to the newly opened restaurant to eat?" My new chef is said to be a famous chef. Cooking is delicious! "
Youning pointed to Tian Tang’s front job.
Tian Tang immediately reached out and compared it with a "K". "Okay, no problem!"
Chapter four hundred and fourteen Don’t keep idle people
"Peacock dove, a gentle and graceful lady is a gentleman in Hezhou."
"Have you noticed that the Yellow River comes to entering the ocean, never to return every day …"
"Those who abandon me can’t stay yesterday; Those who mess with my heart are more worried today. "
Tian Tang sat in the balcony on the second floor and clearly heard the tone of reading outside. It was called a cadence and emotional generate, and probably there was a lot of applause for this reason.
Just then the knocking at the door rang outside.
"Come in"
The balcony door was opened instantly, and the sound outside suddenly became high.
Small two hurriedly came in with food, and then slowly arranged the hand food by turning back to the balcony door.
"Your Excellency, this is your order. Everything is ready. Do you think there is anything missing?"
Tian Tang shook his head. "Go to work without you."
"Yes, yes," Xiao Er turned immediately.
When Xiao Er was about to go out, Tian Tang stopped him, "What’s chanting outside?"
Xiao er turned his head and looked bitter. "God has made adults say that they are literate. These days, they come to the building to recite poems every day. It was not loud at first, but today I don’t know what it is. People outside Dalian have heard it, and I don’t know what we are doing."
Tian Tang raised his eyebrows. "Well, go ahead and get busy. I’ll call you if I need anything here."
"Yes" Xiao Er nodded and turned back to open the door and quickly opened the balcony door again.
Some basic soundproofing work has been done in the restaurant, but after all, this is a restaurant, not a kv. Even with soundproofing, if someone insists on talking at the top of his voice, the sound can still be turned on.
Therefore, even if Tian Tang sits in the box, he can clearly hear the sound coming from outside.
Especially when that door was open earlier.
Youning sitting opposite Tian Tang has laughed and held her belly.
Tian Tang back "why are you still laughing? These people put it on purpose. "
"I’m sorry, I’m sorry, ha ha ha ha" You Ning smiled and wiped her eyes. "I didn’t expect them to be so interesting. I really don’t want to talk about their identity. This recruit is really good at them."
Tian Tang pie mouth "with them? Still reciting’ going into the wine’? I didn’t recite the charm at all. These people won’t have such a little means, will they? "
"They have to meet you if they have the means." You Ning still laughs. "You usually live in school or in the office building, and you will only come out when you eat. They want to get your attention, but don’t think of a way? This method of returning to the soil has really attracted a lot of people’s attention. Don’t you ask? "
"I asked if they were really too noisy." Tian Tang picked up the chopsticks on the table. "Just because they were screaming, it was terrible. This is a restaurant. Do they really regard this as a kv?"
You Ning smiled enough and finally gathered up his face and talked to Tian Tang while eating. "To be honest, these people still have the idea of restoring the royal family in their bones, but they can’t do anything because of the security zone. This should be their first step and I don’t know what they will do."
Take the game of life to the ancient section 375
"It’s true," said Tian Tang, holding chopsticks and holding the bar on the back of his hand. "I’m not afraid of their troubles, but it’s not a problem for them to quarrel in their ears every day."
You Ning smiled at her.
Tian Tang let go. "Let’s eat first. What can I do for you after dinner?"
At this time, the high recitation sound in the small box not far from the next door gradually became weak, and then gradually strengthened, and the dialogue was deliberately suppressed in the box and hidden in the high.
"Why is there no response?"
"She should have heard it, right?"
"I must have heard it. I tried to sit in that box before. Even if the doors and windows were closed, the sound here could still be clear. The past was even worse. We could have raised our voice when Xiao Er passed. She must be able to hear our literary talent."
"But why didn’t she respond?"
"It must be too reserved. Even if she is a divine messenger, she must have never experienced such a thing. We must persevere and make her notice. We want her to see us, so that we can give full play to our own advantages. Even she will be handy."
"B-brother is right. We are all top scholars. If it weren’t for today’s changes, we would have already entered the court and asked us to attract the attention of the gods. Even if we are mixed up, it will be worth it."
"Brother Li, let’s continue to read poetry?"
"Well, keep reading. As the saying goes,’ Read the meaning three times and see for yourself’. If we read it a few more times, the God’s adult will certainly confirm our literary talent. Why didn’t we think of this method earlier? If we had thought of it earlier, we would have achieved something by now."
"Don’t say these poems."
Rustle rustle voice behind, Lang Lang read out of the box again and attracted the attention of the restaurant people again, but these eyes were more complicated than admiration.
Nowadays, the city of gods is no longer the original city of gods, but the central position of the city has become a real political center, and many people try their best to live in the city center
As the saying goes, "money touches the heart", it is not difficult for someone to afford enough money to buy a house from the people who used to live in the city center.
Over time, more and more rich people appeared in the downtown area.

"You don’t mind if you are looking for Zhenyuan Daxian?"

Zhenyuan’s eyes are pumping harder. He feels that ginseng fruit is going to suffer. Rhythm? Are you attending a fart flat peach party? I know the names of the gods in heaven, so I can attend the Flat Peach Club. What are you pretending to do? Is your name in it?
Why are you so chatty? Are you sure you didn’t mean to get my ginseng fruit?
"Don’t mind, don’t mind."
That being said, do you mind if I dare to say so?
"I once worked hard to cultivate and knew very little about heaven since the Taoist priest got the immortal certificate. Why don’t we talk about the Queen Mother Flat Peach Garden?"
Zhenyuan wants to kill someone or commit suicide?
Your sister!
There is no good thing in finding a door. Don’t you know that immortals can’t pit like this? !
"Talk about … the Queen Mother Flat Peach Garden?" Fuck your ancestors. Oh, this thing can talk? Nothing to talk about. Is it taboo to knit?
"the amount? Is it inconvenient? " Liu yuwen
"I’m sorry for the fact that the seven fairies are in charge of this flat peach garden. We can’t comment indiscriminately." Since Sun Monkey made some trouble that year, the queen mother felt ashamed and couldn’t let it happen again. Why did you ask me to talk about this? Don’t pull me when you die
"Well, I heard that Zhenyuan Daxian has a ginseng fruit tree, right?"
Liu Yu (turn a smile asked
"poof!" Zhenyuan vomited blood as soon as his forehead was black. He really vomited blood, Daoyou. Can we stop talking?
Chapter 75 from the queen’s wallop!
"Yes, you are. This is …"
When I say this sentence, Zhenyuan wants to cry. Why do I always get hurt?
Is this buddy next to Huaguo Mountain when he cultivates immortality? Why are you as bad as that dead monkey?
Liu Yuxiao "Well, there is a reluctant invitation here … Look"
Seeing this sentence, Zhenyuan’s bad temper came to see you paralyzed. Look!
I always know what you’re going to say, but is it possible?
Why are you so shameless? Even if I’ve been in heaven for so long, I’ve never seen such a person. It’s not so shameful to be a fairy.
You want the old lady’s baby. You can’t give it to me.
"What do you mean?"
Zhenyuan replied
What does Liu Yu mean by an inexplicable smile? Is it because I am not white enough to express myself too euphemistically?
No, this fairy’s IQ can’t be so LOW, can it?
"Is that you have any goods? Fairy that what borrow one from you to practice the science of uniting the later have the opportunity to return you this favor. "
You have to say this sooner or later. How can you tell the difference between before and after?
However, if Erlang God knows about this, he will probably have to laugh. It’s really not that he deliberately pulled Zhenyuan water. It’s Liu Yu’s goods. He can’t even hold on to a judicial god.
One more person is busy, but the nature is completely different. As the ancients said, the more good people must be, the better!
But Zhenyuan still wants to cry. Who cares about your favor? Can you chat with the group to talk about the dead?
If it weren’t for the contemporary heaven’s advocacy of a harmonious society, Lautz would have given you a few swearing words at the first time.
"Why didn’t Zhenyuan Daxian speak?"
Liu Yu knows that the other party is struggling, but the eggs are merged. I don’t believe that you are better than Erlang God. He has chosen to kneel. Why are you arrogant?
"The Taoist priest, let’s talk about the Queen Mother’s Flat Peach Garden."
Zhenyuan must be careful. The old man is a pothole, and his mother is awake. The immortal family has a precipice to guard against this. This good man!
It’s true that geese have to pluck their hair. Who’s not afraid?
"ahhhhh!" Being an alchemist, the old gentleman sneezed violently after calculating his nose, and he didn’t feel so good either.
"Hello, boy, look at the elixir and never go out for a while if something goes wrong."
After ordering the matter, Laojun Ma found the white Venus and went away.
What do you mean when the camera rotates and Liu Yu receives Zhenyuan’s suggestion? What do you want to talk about the Queen Mother’s Flat Peach Garden?
"Didn’t you just say that you can talk?"
"That chat is still ok."
Zhenyuan is now finished, but the sword is biased, so that the undead can never die.
"Well, if I don’t feel good, I won’t talk nonsense. Can you help me get a flat peach?"
Liu Yu asked
I want a fruit of life, and you want to talk about flat peaches? Ok, a flat peach with ten ginseng fruits seems to be no loss.
"What?" Do it if you say so? Do you know what a flat peach is? Can it be said that it will be done?
Zhenyuan wants to bump into such a shameful fairy. Can you stop playing like this?
"How? Is it difficult? "
Town yuan cried to death "this which can have no difficulty? Always be degraded. "
"Well, since you are a natural Taoist, you need my generosity to give you a ginseng fruit?"
Zhenyuan gritted his teeth. Every ginseng fruit is a darling. How can it not hurt to let it go out?
But compared with stealing the flat peach, it’s so terrible, except that the dead monkey did such a thing in those days. Now that I think about it, the appearance of the 100 thousand heavenly soldiers is so vivid that it can scare people to death.
So let’s give up a ginseng fruit. No matter how painful it is, it still matters.
"This ….." Liu Yu hesitated.
You can’t do this to Yuan Daxian in Nima Town. We agreed to talk about flat peaches, and now you get me ginseng fruit? What? It’s not right to count the bull’s head
But Zhenyuan is going to go on the rampage. You are paralyzed and hesitant about this, aren’t you?
"Okay, you get one."
Liu Yu seems a little disappointed when she looks calm. Zhenyuan’s mouth is full of blood, so I can’t help it if I see this sentence again.
Fuck! What abuse did I make?
When the relationship is over, it’s a cliff. It’s a minute. Don’t make an appointment

Bo Qiang felt that the horse had established a preliminary letter and did not hide when he approached it again.

"Let’s go and don’t come back!"
Bo Qiang said it again to the horse, just like saying it to himself.
The horse seemed to enjoy Boqiang’s touch, but leaned towards Boqiang and walked behind the horse by Boqiang, and the horse took a slap. Only then did the horse scream, leap forward and rush to the hillside.
When Surdak climbed this hill, he just saw the horse galloping away.
Panting, he climbed to the hill and said to Bo Qiang, "Little Duck, the horse has run away …"
The grass was littered with the tarpaulin and some broken linen bandages, and the two splints had been broken. Boqiang squatted aside and folded the tarpaulin again to see Surdak running over and nodded with a smile to show that he knew.
"Little Duck, you’re not going to set that horse free as soon as you’re cured, are you?"
Surdak leaned in to help Surdak fold the tarpaulin and asked.
See Bo Qiang smiled and nodded. Surdak wiped his face in ten words and didn’t want to say anything.
After a while, Bo Qiang will pack all his belongings and walk the hills with Surdak.
At this moment, Surdak remembered to run to this side, and the second team finally waited for the relief. This time, he returned to Moyunling camp to have a good rest.
Although the battle of Moyunling has begun, the battle is far from intense.
Accurately speaking, both sides are testing each other at present and have not invested a lot of troops in this battlefield.
When evil spirits need to rob, they will make Moyunling fortifications stronger.
The Marquis of Solomon Bowen, the expeditionary force, intends to slowly and steadily push forward the carpet of the camp, relying on the advantages of long-distance strike by bed crossbows and catapults to suppress the evil spirits in the battlefield, and the knights of the heavy cavalry are advancing from the front and constantly attacking to crush the main forces of evil spirits.
At the end of noon, the fifth brigade of the fifty heavy armor infantry regiment officially took over the defense, and Baron Sidney led the fourth brigade of the fifty-seventh legion to withdraw to the rear camp.
When he left the battlefield, Boqiang also saw the horse running wildly in the mountains, as if he had followed the fourth brigade for a while before he got into the jungle and finally disappeared.
Surdak has also been preparing for the mid-team leader assessment recently.
His biggest shortcoming is that the soldier level has just reached the level, which only meets the requirements of the squad leader, while the Green Imperial Army Promotion Ordinance does require that the position of the squadron leader of the heavily armored infantry regiment should reach the peak of level 9 at least, so it is impossible for Surdak to break through level 9 in the short term, so this is the biggest obstacle to his promotion.
Since Surdak is going to have a big fight, of course, he needs conditional support …
Chapter 14 catapult
Baron Sidney never thought that Surdak had just been promoted to the rank of soldier.
He believes that his right-hand man, since he can shake evil spirits hard on the battlefield so little, will also be a soldier at the peak of the ninth grade, but the level test crystal of the logistics department of the Expeditionary Force clearly notes that Surdak is only a soldier at present.
Baron Sidney stepped out of the logistics department, tidied up a little fidgety, rubbed his forehead and stared at him without saying a word. Surdak asked seriously, "You said you are a class soldier, so what qualifications do you have for fighting evil spirits?"
Surdak put the dwarf chain shield behind his back in his hand and said to Baron Sidney, "I have this …"
"Because of this?" Baron Sidney understood that he took the smashed dwarf chain shield from Surdak’s hand and took a suspicious look at Surdak. Did the dwarf chain shield become so strong now?
Surdak knew what Baron Sidney was thinking. He pulled out a magic scroll from his arms. This magic scroll was bought from the magic grocery store in the forest farm camp. Now there is no way to explain to Baron Sidney the sacrifice ceremony of Little Dudak so as to make the fighting process of evil spirits as concerted as possible.
"Can you afford this?"
Sidney took a gasp and asked in surprise.
….. Look down on who!
Surdak and Sidney didn’t say yes or no behind them
Then Neng Nai waved to Surdak and said, "It’s just a formality to come to the knight examination, but now we need to come up with something more eloquent if Count Mondego wants to pass your knight examination. You still have two competitors in this examination, and information will be sent to you later."
Then he waved to Surdak and indicated that he could leave on his own.
Baron Sidney walked back to the battalion chief camp alone, and several guards followed Baron Sidney behind him.
Surdak thought if he wanted to wait for Baron Sidney at any time like them …
The second group of soldiers stayed in the front battlefield for nearly a week.
I came from the front line, had a wash, and had a full sleep in the tent before I left the camp. I took some war profits from the battlefield and found the businessmen outside the camp to dispose of them in their own way.
Boqiang has nothing to deal with specially. He goes straight to a shop dealing in weapons and shields and chooses a stronger dwarf chain shield. The strength of this dwarf iron shield is just like that. To be stronger, the shield is much higher than the dwarf chain shield in terms of weight and price.
Suo Boqiang is going to continue to make the dwarf chain shield his own, which has been rotten, and he came outside the camp to buy a new shield.
There were also many caravans outside Moyunling camp, but Larkin didn’t venture into Moyunling this time. They chose to stay at the forest farm camp.
I bought a brand-new dwarf chain shield, and the old one was given to the shield merchant at a discount. The surface of this new shield is coated with a thin layer of magical black iron. According to the shield merchant, the surface of this shield is coated with a layer of magical black iron, and its hardness is high. It is not easy for evil spirits to cut the serrated axe in their hands.
In order to verify the authenticity of this statement by the shield merchant, Hu Kager deliberately took out the serrated axe of the evil spirit behind his back. This axe is considered as a private war in cagle, and it is just to be sold this time.
Now that the shield merchant said so, the second group of soldiers wanted to give it a try …
Seeing that the soldiers really carried out a serrated axe, the shield boss was also scared. A thin face turned pale, but it happened that make a fool of oneself’s face could not be ugly than crying, but it was also difficult for Dahukage. The shield boss made a gesture with a serrated axe casually. He felt that this dwarf chain shield was not as exaggerated as the shield boss said, but it was also a good face. So the shield made Boqiang pay for it readily.
After Little Duck bought a brand-new shield here, augustus and Dahu found a magic leather merchant to sell their magic antelope skin. Although there are some broken holes in the leather, it can be regarded as a small flaw, which has little influence on the total price.
However, the biggest feeling for everyone to come outside the camp to sell bootleg goods this time is that these businessmen will ask "Do you have magic herbs …" when they see soldiers preparing to sell bootleg goods.
"Have you seen magic herbs …"
"I’m here to buy magic herbs at a high price … silver leaf grass, hemostatic grass and kudzu root. You don’t know or have me here. There are herbal labels to show you. My purchase here is long-term and effective …"
I don’t know what business people outside the camp are engaged in, but they are very eager to buy magic herbs. The second team of soldiers patrol the dense forest near Moyunling, but they have never seen these mysterious primary magic herbs.
Bo Qiang’s eyes swept the shelves from the tent behind a leather dealer’s booth. Those things made him slightly stunned. He didn’t immediately ask the leather dealer, but carefully remembered the leather dealer’s sample and then left with the second team of soldiers …

Take ten thousand steps back and say that even if something is poached, how can he take it out? According to the guy who was arrested, the box weighs nearly three hundred kilograms, which is so easy to take away. "

The man in the back row was speechless.
Yeah, don’t. It’s not just that weight that one person or two people can take away.
Another person in the back row said, "Could it be that those two guys deliberately lied to us that there are not so many things?"
"But what good is it for him to cheat us? These are all things, and they can’t come out again. They have been fighting for so long to tease us? "
Car a few people fell into silence again.
Mr. Liu always feels that the driver just spoke as if he had heard him before and asked, "Xiao Wang, what did you say at the end?"
"Ah?" The driver was stunned by Liu Zhutu Tathagata’s question and didn’t know what to say for a while.
The man in the back row said for him, "What Master Wang just said means that the box with its contents is nearly 300 Jin, which can’t be easily taken away."
Liu nodded and said nothing, but leaned back and closed his eyes and remained silent.
In my heart, I kept wondering where I heard this.
Until he returned to the station, Liu Zhu asked them to continue to interrogate the two men, and he returned to the office alone.
I poured myself a glass of water and kept thinking about what the driver had just said.
Holding a cup, he walked to his desk and didn’t pay attention to touching a table. It was this touch that made his mind flash a light.
He thought of where he had heard this sentence. It was not this sentence that he had heard, but the same thing that he had met.
Two years ago, the case center inexplicably appeared that a lot of information.
The difference is that the pile of data suddenly appeared at that time, but now this one suddenly disappears. The same thing is that it weighs hundreds of pounds.
No matter what is heavier than this time, everything can be put into the heavily guarded center unnoticed. Wouldn’t it be easier to get things out of here this time?
But the question is, how did he get it away?
Just like the driver Xiao Wang said, someone has been watching here. Can that person really fly?
I just came up with this idea. Liu couldn’t wait to slap himself. I am a firm revolutionary soldier. How can I think about those messy things?
Then the question is how things disappear.
It seems necessary to reapply those investigation reports that have been sealed before.
Chapter two hundred and sixty-six Suggestions
Heavily spit out a sigh of relief, Liu picked up the desk and dialed out.
The investigation record report of the previous case has been sealed by the Ministry, and no one can consult it without the permission of Director Chen.
Put words Liu Zhu came to the director’s office on the third floor.
"Liu Zhu, you just said that you would consult that report and tell me why."
"Director Chen is like this …"
Master Liu reported what happened this morning, and then he said his doubts.
Director Chen sat there thinking seriously after listening.
After a while, he said, "So do you think these two cases are related?"
"It’s just some doubts. After all, it’s not easy to get rid of such a heavy thing, and the only possibility is the gang who released the information two years ago."
"Do you think they are a group?"
Liu Zhu shook his head with a wry smile. "Director, to tell the truth, when the case was investigated for so long, I didn’t have a clue. I just thought that one person or two or three people couldn’t move so many things."
Director Chen nodded. "I also tell you the truth. All the files of that case have been sealed by the border. People have no choice but to read this."
Liu looked at Director Chen in surprise. He was a little puzzled. What is this?
Director Chen glanced at Liu Zhu and smiled. "Think impassability?"
Liu Zhu nodded. "Why are the directors and leaders like this?"
Director Chen did not give him an explanation, but said, "If you can’t figure it out, don’t think it’s just an order to obey."
Okay, you’re my leader. You’re in charge
"Let’s have a good look at this spy case and see who took it away. Could they have other associates that we didn’t dig up?"
"Yes," Liu replied with his feet together.
Liu Zhu shook his head when he came out of the director’s office. There’s nothing to do. He can investigate the case separately.
Go back and wait for their trial results.
And Li Chu? He didn’t know that the box of gold bars that he signed in would be the two spies.
And Liu Zhu is pulling his hair with this box of gold bars at the moment.

And Ding Hammer also noticed that this whole class seems to be that she can understand all the courses from noon to noon, which is better than a subject that even the teacher has to turn over.

At the end of the class, a burly uncle came in outside. He invited the kind-looking old lady in a respectful tone and took the podium by himself.
When he went to the moment, his face suddenly became stiff and serious. "Rabbits, I am your training instructor. You must call me Sir Hart! Remember, sir! Hear! "
The children around were so frightened that several little girls were scared to tears on the spot, but they had to be passive and Nuo Nuo chimed in, "Got it …"
Only Dinghammer and Butterfly sat there without any movement. Dinghammer also stretched out his neck and smiled at Butterfly. "This guy is ugly enough."
Butterfly pursed her mouth and nodded her head in deep agreement with the hammer.
While they were chatting, two brooms suddenly flew towards the hammer and butterfly with a whirring wind, and in an instant, both of them were caught in the eye.
However, this sudden attack did not bring them any harm. After all, the hammer was grasped by the adult human eye, and the butterfly was very clean and flew to the front of the foreign body, and the spirit suddenly became aggressive and pointed at Taiwan Hart.
Hart stared coldly at the butterfly and stared at the hammer, by the way, and then he went straight to the hammer with a pointer in his hand and looked at them coldly.
"What did you just say?"
The hammer burst into laughter and even the butterfly couldn’t help laughing, but neither of them spoke. With their mouths closed tightly, they couldn’t hold back their laughter, but it sounded like a fart.
"I ask you! Must answer! " Hart’s eyes were full of anger. "Do you know your identity? You’ve been soldiers since the first day you walked in! The soldier just ordered me to ask what you just said again! "
The hammer covered her mouth and fought back a smile. "Are you sure you want to say it?"
"say it!" Hart’s eyes widened and he was aggressive. "Tell me what you’re whispering."
Just as Ding Hammer was thinking, Hart suddenly slapped the table and shouted, "Get up when you talk to the chief!"
The hammer buckled its ears and smirked and asked, "Really?"
"say it!"
Ding hammer sighed and took a deep breath. He shouted at the top of his voice. "I told her this guy is so fucking ugly! The report is over! "
As soon as he finished speaking, the children in class burst into laughter. Even Butterfly, a cold little sister, shook her shoulders at the table.
Fixed hammer saw them and shrugged at Hartney. "I asked you if you wanted to say it … really."
You can imagine what will happen to Hart’s face. He glared at the hammer with a pig’s liver color face, and his lips trembled as if he wanted to eat the hammer alive to be happy.
"You! Get out of the queue! " Hart’s pointer frame fixed hammer shoulder "one-on-one hit at the door!"
"Sick" gave him a white hammer and sat down angrily. "Who wants to fight with you?"
As soon as the words sound just fell, I saw Hart’s omen coming with a punch, and this flint hammer was actually buzzing with his fist, and Hart’s fist was attached with a layer of amber glittering and translucent luster.
"Pa" meat-to-meat collision made Ding Hammer react from the horror immediately, but he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the scene before him.
Because this crunchy sound was not hitting him in the face, but when the butterfly beside him blocked Hart’s fist with one hand.
It’s hard to imagine that such a thin slap can make a fist as big as a bear’s paw stop looking at the butterfly. It’s quite easy to block Hart with one hand and still look at the expression with the other hand.
At that moment, the class was shocked even more than Hart himself failed to react. After all, even if he wanted to teach a certain hammer, he was physically strengthened. Even if he was weak, he could never be stopped by such a thin girl with such a light hand.
"Butterfly" Butterfly gently looked up and looked coldly at Hart’s lips.
Ding hammer heard him say these two words without saying a word, and then he got to the bottom of the table, and then he heard the butterfly, and her unique crisp voice shouted, "!"
Then the gas shook and roared like a stuffy gun, and then the hammer felt a sharp contraction around him, and then I heard a scream from my classmates outside
He silently raised his head from the desk and found that Hart, who had just been fierce, was being locked by butterflies. The whole body of energy was suddenly released, trying to attack the butterfly blockade, but he could fight against the butterfly in vain, and then he blew himself up, and finally his face turned red.
Fortunately, at this moment, the kind old lady who was giving a theoretical lesson just now came in and stretched out her hand and scratched it. The strange spirit suddenly dissolved like hot water and ice, and Hart fell like a pile of rotten meat as the butterfly spirit dissolved.
When Butterfly saw the old lady interfering with her actions, she turned her head and immediately targeted the old lady.
But the old lady was unmoved and walked back to the podium and looked at the butterfly and smiled. "The future is limitless at a young age, but the killing heart should not be too heavy, or you will go astray one day. Even a dagger doesn’t need to think about killing people all the time."
After that, she smiled at the hammer and gestured with her thumb toward the hammer. Then she reached out and grabbed a butterfly.
It was this butterfly that suddenly turned pale, and then nosebleeds unwillingly flowed out and sat back in position.
At this time, several people poured in from the outside. They watched warily as the people in the classroom checked their physical strength again. Hart then frowned and asked the kind old lady, "What’s wrong with Mr. Holo?"
"It’s okay, it’s okay." The old lady waved her hand. "Go home. It’s okay."

"There is still some progress. She should join us," Elizabeth said with a smile. "What about you, Ed? Have you agreed?"

Sitting opposite Elizabeth, a psychologist in Yide visited a small clinic called Flo Psychological Clinic.
Still sighed heavily, his delicate face with his head propped up in his hand was full of melancholy, and he said, "No result, that guy didn’t say anything without necessities."
Yide looked at Elizabeth and said, "You shouldn’t have let me go. I don’t have any friendship with her. It’s better to let Yechen go. It is said that they are both good."
Elizabeth thought for a moment and said, "Let’s talk about Ye Chen first, and then ask her to make sense when she agrees, but it is estimated that it will cost a little to get that guy to agree."
"Why!" Yide raised his eyebrows and said, "It’s good for her to have a new student in Xiling District."
Elizabeth rubbed her eyebrows and said, "But time waits for no one. We must finalize it as soon as possible. She is very important to my future plan."
Yide muttered, "Why didn’t I feel that girl was so important?"
"Ed," Elizabeth said seriously, "have you not thought about what is in the paranormal research laboratory?"
"What’s the matter?" Ed said, "It’s not that I haven’t seen a four-story building without design sense. It’s not like a laboratory at all, but similar to an old office building 70 years ago."
Elizabeth couldn’t help but roll her eyes and point out, "Where have we put our ghosts’ sustenance in recent years?"
"You mean …" Elizabeth made it very clear, and Ed couldn’t help shivering. "Is this appropriate?"
"What’s wrong?" Elizabeth’s eyes were cold and she said, "This is a life-and-death world."
Ed didn’t know what to say. He took a sip of coffee in front of him and almost spit it out. "What is this? Why is it so sweet?"
Elizabeth thought for a moment and said, "This is the night when Chen made us talk. She put seven cubes of sugar in it but didn’t drink a bite."
Recently, Tang Jian was very full, a little too full. On the eve of Chen’s special training, Tang Jian’s will was almost washed away by a ghost sustenance with the property of "gluttony". He bit several pieces of meat from his arm abruptly, although he could not die, but he was definitely not slightly injured. As a result, the next day, Tang Jian was called to Chen’s office. At this time, she realized that the so-called "having a good rest for a while" meant taking a rest for one night.
Once again, facing the disposable lunch box, Tang Chen felt goose bumps all over her body. If it weren’t for the night, Chen forced her not to continue any special training.
But I have to say that this kind of high-intensity training really helps the soul strength and quality. I tried it three times and finally insisted on it in front of the disposable lunch box.
Before I came to catch my breath, I had a meal at noon. At noon, Tang Chen was called to the office again and looked at the night. Chen took out a cotton pillow from the receiver and almost fainted without special training.
In this way, Tang chan had a painful experience that she didn’t want to recall for a generation. all kinds of strong emotions that could drive people crazy and forced them to death bombarded Tang chan’s spirit in turn, and her soul world was devastated.
Emotions, sorrows, sorrows, fears, hunger, pain, drowsiness and suffocation make Tang Jian’s soul almost collapse, but she has deeply realized various emotions. Playing Girl magazine helped her to experience a burning sensation.
However, what Tang Jian likes best is a scroll of paintings in which a beautifully dressed lady is dressing in front of the mirror, but it is a spectre reflected in the mirror.
Chapter 10 Fear arrival (4)
This painting inspires fear, while Tang Jian’s talent is terror. This painting and her talent just complement each other.
And from this painting, Tang Jian got an inspiration. Before she was gifted at terror, she always thought about how to better scare the enemy, whether to adopt a shocking scene to build a strange attack mode or spy on the fear … Although these methods are exquisite, they are all "techniques". They are very good for ordinary people, and even the effect of scaring a living person alive against the tester will be discounted. At this stage, Tang Jian is facing or the first-level tester is behind. What should I do with the higher-level tester? All the people who can survive are climbing out of the sea of dead mountains and blood, and their hearts are extremely tenacious. By then, these means may be completely ineffective, let alone greatly discounted.
This painting gives Tang Jian a different feeling. Although it is a horror painting, it is not so terrible. The spectre in the mirror does not move and grimace at herself. But the strange thing is that when Tang Jian looks at this painting, especially at the spectre in the bronze mirror in the painting, she will feel a very strong fear from the heart. Of course, Tang Jian received special training and all spectre objects have this emotional characteristic. Perhaps it is because she is specialized in terror that she can stimulate fear and spy clearly in the painting.
It would be great if I could directly arouse a fear of people like this painting, not through any strange means of horror scenes! In that case, no matter how courageous, people will be scared to death by themselves.
As soon as this idea appeared, it lingered in Tang Jian’s mind for a long time. During this time, she has been studying and visualizing this painting to experience the source of fear.
"Tang Yan!"
"ah? !” Immersed in the painting, Tang Chen got a fright and turned around to see that it was Ye Chen behind him.
"Miss Chen," said Tang Chan, stroking her chest, "You scared me to death."
Night Chen came over and looked at the painting in front of Tang Jian and said, "Still look at this painting? It should have no effect for several days! " The special training method that Ye Chen gave Tang Jian was to temper the soul through strong emotions. If the soul has adapted to a certain strong emotion, it will not have much effect. At this time, it is necessary to replace his ghost sustenance.
Tang Chan hesitated-she didn’t want to tell Ye Chen her secret, but she couldn’t continue to study this painting without Ye Chen’s consent. Tang Chan said honestly, "Well, I feel a source of power from this painting."
Tang Chen said it was very obscure because she didn’t want Ye Chen to know her true intentions, but the accumulation of the world between them was very different. Don’t take a look at the painting at Ye Chen and say, "Fear … terror?"
Night Chen looked at Tang Jian smiled and said, "Do you want to have this kind of terror? Real terror? "
Tang Chen bowed his head slightly and said "yes" in a slight voice.
Ye Chen considered it and said, "Well, since you have this opportunity and Linghui, I will give you a hand."
Night Chen went out for a trip and soon came back with a test tube in his hand. There are more than ten milliliters of red liquid in it. It looks very sticky, but it contains strong but moderate power, which is a bit similar to … Xuan Soul Sugar.
The painting was laid on the table. At night, Chen hit the test tube stopper and carefully tilted the test tube. A drop of red sticky liquid dripped the painting.
It’s like a drop of water in a hot oil pan, and a scorched white smoke rises
What the hell are you doing? I finally found a ghost sustenance that will help me upgrade my terror. Is Yechen going to destroy it? Tang Chen wanted to question but didn’t have the guts to shout in his heart.
The smoke gradually dissipated. Night Chen took a close look at it and seemed dissatisfied. Two drops of red liquid were dropped again … One drop after another. Night Chen dropped a total of the red liquid and nodded slightly to plug the test tube again.
After the smoke cleared completely, Tang Jian looked surprised that the table painting had disappeared. Looking at a table of paper ash, I guessed that it was indeed destroyed by that red liquid, but strangely, the painting was destroyed, but a small bronze mirror appeared on the table.
Night Chen put the test tube in his pocket and said, "That painting is an object of E-class spectre. I added something to upgrade it. D-class Nuo is the bronze mirror."
Seeing that Tang Jian wanted to gather together, Chen woke up at night and said, "If I were you, I wouldn’t gather together, let alone look at it in the mirror. This is a D-level spectre. Are you sure you can suppress it?"
Tang Jian hurriedly stepped back. She really can’t guarantee that although she just broke through the D-level and became a C-level awakened one a few days ago, Tang Jian didn’t forget that she was a D-level awakened one and almost died here when facing an E-level disposable lunch box.
"I’ll put it away for you first, and then face this D-class spectre sustenance when you consolidate the strength of the Class C Awakener" soothed Tang Jian, saying that Chen herself picked up the bronze mirror and took photos.
In modern society, bronze mirrors are often unearthed, and cultural relics appear in front of the public, which is covered with thick patina. This is the impression of ordinary people on bronze mirrors, but the surface of bronze mirrors has just been polished, so it is really bright and can be used as mirrors after learning.

If Zhao Li had a well-trained team at hand, Zhao Li would attack the surrounding areas immediately. Unfortunately, Zhao Li can also think about it and then slowly accumulate strength to nibble away from one area to another.

Communication with general Lucas Zhao Li was once again guaranteed. Although the government forces temporarily guaranteed to give Zhao Li assistance, it could also ensure that the rebels could not get any support. With this guarantee, Zhao Li could be sure that it was a problem to recover the lost land on the marginal planet.
The rebels have invested less than 40,000 troops in the entire marginal planet to control as many as 20 independent areas, each of which is about 2,000 people. Now it seems that the rebels have also found that the situation is very bad for them, consciously staying away from Zhao Li’s control, leaving a base in some areas to control the situation, while several areas bordering the Coalition government have relatively increased their garrison.
Everything seems to be solved when necessary. Zhao Libai, the rebel, is equally white. However, the rebels seem to be shocked by the results of the two consecutive battles against Zhao Li, and they are not familiar with the jungle war. They easily dare not fight against Akara and Saipan, and Jin Wuxing is even more impregnable.
In this kind of situation, the right place, the right time and the right place do not occupy the situation. The rebels can know their information if they move Zhao Li, but in turn, the rebels seem to be blind and deaf, and they are increasingly confused about Zhao Li’s situation.
"What are you doing here this time?" Zhao Lizheng paid attention to military intelligence, only to see that Kang Hongyuan seemed to wander leisurely to the military camp. He couldn’t help asking, "Aren’t you going to be busy with those hotels and roads?" Jin Wuxing, almost the whole city has been building recently. Kang Hongyuan should be very busy.
"Those are trivial things." Kang Hongyuan shook his head. "I came here to help you solve a hidden danger first."
"hidden danger?" Zhao Li spent a "what hidden trouble?"
"Let’s wait until everyone is here!" Kang Hongyuan doesn’t seem to want to say "I have informed them to come over" again.
It’s still a small group meeting. No one is absent this time.
"What the hell is it?" Zhao Li didn’t say much when he saw that people had arrived. Ask Kang Hongyuan directly.
"Rainforest mining is a big hidden danger", and Kang Hongyuan didn’t go straight to the point. Everyone turned to Kang Hongyuan when he heard Kang Hongyuan’s words.
"The energy additive we produce is now a unique product, which makes our sales worse, but this is also the problem." Kang Hongyuan looked at everyone’s attention and pointed out the problem in particular
"What’s the problem?" I’m anxious at night. Rainforest mining is, after all, a hidden danger for him and James. How can he not be worried?
"Anti-monopoly law case!" Kang Hongyuan once said the crux of the problem: "Now the edge planet of rainforest mining is high in the sky and the emperor is far away, and those guys can naturally say what they want, but once our free trade port is established, they will definitely come up with this difficulty."
"We are legally independent here and don’t recognize their anti-monopoly law?" Night arrival is nothing.
"They can do it in other ways." Kang Hongyuan shook his head. "After all, if our products are to be sold to the Federation, they can impose a high punitive tax rate or directly confiscate them. We can’t help selling our products, can we?"
"What shall we do?" There is some reluctance at night, but since Kang Hongyuan has spoken these words, there must be a solution.
"Very simple" Kang Hongyuan smiled "Split!"
"We directly split the rainforest mining industry into two industrial companies, one James and one James selling the same thing and different brands. What else can they say? Let’s do it in front and let them talk."
Chapter one hundred and ninety-three Trinity
Kang Hongyuan said it was really simple, and James and Yelin had done their homework on commercial things before they planned to do rainforest mining. Naturally, they knew what he said about antitrust, but isn’t it a bit opportunistic to solve it so easily?
"Speculation, of course!" Kang Hongyuan made no secret of the fact that he was going to be opportunistic. "But within the scope permitted by law, we have done everything before and they can talk to anyone."
Rainforest mining production is the key to the post-marginal planet Federation, especially once the rebels and government forces reach the short peace agreement, the two sides will spare no effort to expand their forces and prepare for war, and then this energy weapon necessity will become a top priority.
This is indeed a hidden danger. Now that Kang Hongyuan has come out and found a solution, it is really too simple to implement it. Two sets of warehouses and production vehicles have been built in the same place, so it is too easy to separate at this time.
With Kang Hongyuan’s help, rainforest mining is almost rapidly divided into two companies, one is also called the original rainforest mining, and the other is changed to five-star mining. One of the owners of the two companies is James and the other is Yejin, but at the same time the mysterious gold owner is their respective major shareholder. Of course, this share is recognized by James and Yejin, and others can’t see the name of the gold owner.
Anyway, it’s a rainy day, and everything is done in a seamless way. I believe that even if the federal government sends a group of inspectors, they can’t see any problems in it.
Zhao Li is very surprised that Kang Hongyuan is so sure that the war can end in a short time. But this time, he didn’t ask anything, but he learned to analyze it from all aspects of information and intelligence.
Because of a period of leisure, Zhao Li finally sometimes analyzes intelligence and notes his own practice, which is the root of Zhao Li’s foothold on the marginal planet. Sometimes Zhao Li will practice diligently
Summing up the previous ambush, James had some doubts about Zhao Li’s outflanking tactics. He said that when he faced the enemy with a heavy hammer, he should put out his strongest strength and break through the enemy front in one fell swoop, so that there would be no such thing as Zhao Li being forced to go through the rebel camp to meet the outflanking detachment.
Although it is aimed at tactical advice, Zhao Li has gained some experience from it. If we need to do our best to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop in war, does it also need such strength in personal combat?
Zhao Lishen can be said to have three abdomen, and each abdomen controls a stream of true qi to flow in batches. Although this method produces true qi and has unparalleled benefits for meridian training, it will also cause another disadvantage, that is, when attacking, the forces are scattered and cannot be centered.
According to James, this is the kind of wave that belongs to the law to defeat the enemy at one stroke. Although three waves of true qi can be used to attack three times, if each power is not enough to break the local defense, Zhao Li’s attack can also be a victory in the previous battle. That is because Zhao Li has never met an enemy who is stronger than himself. Once the enemy develops like this, it must be Zhao Li himself who suffers from a strong enemy.
No wonder those people in the genius school gave up this method when they laid the foundation stone and made the three abdomen practice their own unique skills at the same time.
The experience of genius schools is at least hundreds of years, and I don’t know how many generations of geniuses have worked hard to crystallize it. Even if Zhao Li boasts that Britain and SHEN WOO are self-taught, it is impossible to compare with so many spiritual talents. Since genius schools have not adopted this method, there must be something wrong with practicing in this way.
When Zhao Li thinks about spiritual practice, he seems to realize the problem too quickly. Zhao Li’s first reaction is to solve the problem.
Before the three demonstrated fields, Zhao Li tried his best to coordinate the complementary interference of the three qi, and finally the three qi were cycled into their own meridian energy, but they had to be reunited.
Fortunately, to Zhao Li’s relief, it is not more difficult but easier to reunite from one abdomen to another. After all, the pre-practice method has been going on for several years, and it is really easy to get used to meridians.
However, Zhao Li still has an extra mind’s eye. The problem is that Zhao Li is gathering the true spirit of the famous martial arts together, but the practice of basic fitness is still carried out in accordance with the simultaneous circulation of three abdomen. After all, even the genius school adopts the foundation stone method, which is definitely not a problem for Zhao Li’s physique.
The famous achievement method has transformed a little problem. Now there are two choices for Zhao Li. One is to combine the three abdomen qi parts into the abdomen, which means that it is exactly the same as the original way and the easiest way to master.
However, there will be a disadvantage in this way, that is, when Zhao Li practices basic body-building exercises, he must divide the true qi into three parts and fill the three abdomen areas respectively, so it will be quite hard for Zhao Li to reply.
Another way is to adjust the three abdomen control three qi operation intervals so that the three qi can just meet in the abdomen every time the name qi is transferred.
This method is the easiest for Zhao Li at present, and it will not interfere with the basic fitness practice. It is the least change method, but it will disrupt the flow order of qi. Zhao Li needs more practice and habits to control it more accurately
Zhao Li was a little undecided, so she specifically asked Li Mengdie this question. After Li Mengdie learned that Zhao Li taught advanced foundation stone practice blindly, she refused to give advice to Zhao Li for fear that Zhao Li’s careless practice would lead to physical problems. These genius schools have detailed examples, and Li Mengdie never wanted Zhao Li to follow in the footsteps of those experimenters.
But now Zhao Li intends to return to the unified method, which is something that Li Mengdie can’t ask for. However, Zhao Li said that she also doesn’t know how to choose these two situations, which makes Li Mengdie wonder how Zhao Li can think about practicing basic fitness instead of her own professional fighting skills.
Of course, Zhao Li can’t elaborate on the reason, but he still humbly asks Li Mengdie for advice. Li Mengdie has no experience in this field, but after all, he is also a top player. It is estimated that he can compete with Li Mengdie in the whole group, and James can barely give Zhao Li a reference according to his own experience and guess.
According to Li Mengdie’s analysis, these two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. First of all, the first way is to return to reunification, which is the safest and safest way. But at the same time, Li Mengdie also pointed out that since Zhao Li wants to practice basic fitness at the same time, it is not a good way for Zhao Li to have one abdomen for a while and three abdomen for a while.
The second way is to change the least, and at the same time, it is also the most demanding way for Zhao stereoscopic qi control. The advantage is that the three dantian fields don’t waste the fighting skills and basic fitness techniques, and the disadvantage is that Zhao Li needs to constantly improve the degree of qi control, which is also a disguised way to improve the qi control.
Some students in genius schools will have some extreme situations. If their practice requires strict control of body qi, they should choose multiple dantian fields to exercise the control of qi. If Zhao Li wants to choose this way, it will be a good way to exercise.
Li Mengdie doesn’t understand Zhao Li’s practice of two methods at the same time, but he doesn’t object to the basic body-building technique. Although it doesn’t seem to be anything, it has been scrutinized by several experts and has gone through a few billion people’s practice bases without any problems. Moreover, according to the data of genius school, the basic body-building technique is the best way to recuperate Du Er Meridian except for its low efficiency. Zhao Li didn’t say the reason. Perhaps it is that his practice of fighting techniques will have a certain impact on meridians and needs basic body-building technique to neutralize it.
Li Mengdie’s words gave Zhao Liyou a choice. Zhao Liqian had never heard of the statement of controlling the true qi, but Zhao Liyi understood that the higher his control over the true qi, the better his practice. Obviously, the second way is a good choice.
Zhao Li also figured it out that if the true qi can be controlled to converge in the abdomen, then whether it is basic body-building exercise or famous achievement method, it can be done at the same time, or the original way is to change the power to release it once. What Zhao Li needs to do is to change the flow frequency of the true qi and make the three true qi consistent.

The Story Of Diu Sim, they are all holding down the enemy to see if it is a matter of time before The Story Of Diu Sim wins. Niu Mowang is secretly impatient in his eyes, but Ma Sanzhi is clinging to the law to save his younger brother Niu Yao.

Niu Mowang and Ma Sanzhi fought fiercely. It was a terrible and protracted tug-of-war! Ma Sanzhi’s 7-word cage trapped Niu Mowang but dared not have the slightest carelessness
Niu Mowang is strong, which surprised everyone. The Story Of Diu Sim and others are chilling, and their faces have changed. They are worried that Ma Sanzhi will lose.
Niu Mowang, the Golden Monkey King’s Soul Palace, shows a sign of shocking the world. What kind of sign? He stuck a stick in his heart, still alive, and still capable of fighting Ma Sanzhi for a long time! This is really a real Uber. It’s too powerful and unbelievable!
"Hey!" Niu Mowang’s devouring power is too fierce. The virtual space outside the 7-character cage is shattered and the cage is shaking violently! Is Niu Mowang horse about to break through the cage? Fortunately, it shows no signs of collapse! Amitabha, the seven ancient characters are motionless, as steady as Mount Tai, flashing to the extreme and firmly holding everything. Niu Mowang is too tired to vomit blood, but it is not easy for Ma Sanzhi to maintain the terrible power of the seven ancient word cages. He is also full of sweat.
The cage is shrinking constantly. Niu Mowang is struggling hard not to shrink, but the contraction force of the cage is still slightly better. It has been slowly collected, although it is slow, but it is unstoppable! On the verge of strangling Niu Mowang Town, did he really save the day?
In the seventh round, Ma Sanzhi kept the 7-character cage firmly suppressing the devouring power of the black hole in Niu Mowang, Niu Mowang. As a result, Niu Mowang broke through the cage and still slowly contracted! Did Ma Sanzhi eat beef smoothly? Amitabha, the seven ancient words "Mo Mo Da" made Niu Mowang feel headache and angry, but it was tolerable!
Niu Mowang’s life seems to be in danger at all times in the wind, but this big monster is not anxious or dry, and he still never forces himself to deal with Ma Sanzhi’s attack. This concentration is really extraordinary
Black hole devouring force method breaks through the "7" cage, and Niu Mowang will sit still and die. Is there no counterattack? No!
Niu Mowang gathered the black hole to devour the power and sat in the center of the 7-character cage! His human body is hazy and vague, revealing a mysterious atmosphere that makes people feel palpitation!
He is tall and powerful, sitting on a fixed plate, paddling and waving with his hands, sometimes as fast as flashing and sometimes as slow as snail, sometimes with golden light flashing and sometimes colorful! Niu Mowang, what the hell? No one knows, but it is certain that he is not insane. He must have tried his best to break the cage of seven words to form a small world!
Ma Sanzhi couldn’t understand the law to stop his mysterious behavior. He steadfastly maintained the terrible power of the seven-character cage and decided to kill this powerful enemy with this move.
His ever-changing hands keep making mysterious marks. It seems that he has become the embodiment of heaven and earth! Niu Mowang looks more sacred and inviolable than Gao Yuanling’s man-eating fireworks.
Chapter 12 Who knows it’s really hard to eat meat on the plate?
Although Ma Sanzhi was sweating profusely, he still teased with a smile, "Sacred beef? Novelty What a novelty! It is estimated that it will be delicious. I am looking forward to it. My mouth is watering! "
It’s called psychological warfare, so it’s necessary to stir up Niu Mowang’s seal casting!
Niu Mowang ignored the words and became deaf. He couldn’t hear what Ma Sanzhi said. His concentration was super strong and his roots were undisturbed. From his surface, he couldn’t see that he was disturbed
Ma Sanzhi’s persistent belief in evil and the Dragon King’s secret method played two ugly calves before his eyes, just to disrupt his fighting style of tit-for-tat, cunning and cunning.
The first calf was covered with pustules of different sizes, and said happily to Niu Mowang, "Husband, dear husband, am I good-looking? Honey, come and see me! Niu Niu is the most beautiful and Niu Niu is the most lovely. Come and see me. "
The calf with pustules danced and sang all kinds of love songs to attract Niu Mowang’s attention.
There are many maggots crawling around on the surface of the second calf, crawling in and out of the cow’s mouth from two eyes and ears. That’s not enough! This little cow head has a bunch of black and wet things! Is that enough? It’s not enough or worse to see this calf crying and crying, "Husband, don’t you want me? Why don’t you talk to me?" I am so beautiful, how can you abandon me so cruelly! You heartless bastard, I’m so kind and gentle to you. How can you treat me like this? Have I done anything wrong to you? You said you said it! " Woo-hoo, the calf is crying and sad.
A heart to stir up a sad to disturb two calves so Niu Mowang eyes dangling!
"A flower!"
I haven’t seen anything for a long time. Niu Mowang finally spoke! There are only four words in saying that flowers are actually nothing! Four ancient characters emerge one by one, and every word is sharp, such as a sword and shadow, like a sharp sword. The weapon contains a peerless murder! Na Wei can be horrifying and swallow mountains and rivers with great charm!
"Two thoughts fall!"
Niu Mowang’s four words are just like four violent tornadoes whistling in the wind, and the earth-shattering domineering Lingyun arouses several flying sands and stones, litters! Overbearing and incomparable strength ratio
"Three thoughts and flowers fall!"
Seven ancient characters emerge one by one, such as seven towering trees, which seem to break the shackles of heaven and earth and make people suffocate and chill!
"Four thoughts are spent all over the sky!" Still no flowers! There are words, one by one, with mysterious power words!
Six ancient characters, such as six Wang Yang seas, are crashing against the coastline, raging forever and roaring forever!
"Five thoughts on conan the destroyer!" Like the explosion of the underworld, arrival of hell!
The exquisite pagoda keeps shaking, and the cage of Ma Sanzhi’s seven words vibrates even more violently, but the cage is so tenacious that it still does not collapse, so it slowly shrinks and slowly moves! Amitabha, these seven words are still as steady as Mount Tai!
Ma Sanzhi heart drama jump "this Niu Mowang must have a great chance to get such a terrible bearing. I don’t know what else he has to guard against all kinds of signs that Niu Mowang has a great opportunity! This bull demon is so lucky that he has hit all the good things and found all the powerful magic! God takes care of him too much! This monster is not easy to deal with. It’s not easy to eat a piece of beef. Oh, killing cows is sweating at noon. Who knows that Chinese meat is really hard! "
Niu Mowang suddenly opened his cold eyes and still sat in the center of the 7-word cage. His fists pounded all the ancient words and rushed up so many words, all of which flowed uniformly and regularly! Niu Mowang’s strong iron fists drive Wei neng to be strong and powerful, and the ancient words destroy this cage that has trapped him for a long time.
Both the enemy and the enemy have ancient words. Ordinary and ordinary ancient words are against the terrible and mysterious ancient words! Colorful ancient words are inseparable, and ancient words are fiercely entangled with rage against the earth-shattering cry!
The Story Of Diu Sim little miss looked stunned and muttered to herself, "That’s terrible! Ordinary words are so scary that I can’t read them later. Do you play like this? I have a heart attack, will you stop scaring me? "
Each of dozens of ancient words is strange and unpredictable, and each one is powerful and compelling, and it is born again and again, and it is constantly changing!
What kind of life-and-death showdown is this? Both of them have a variety of magic skills and try their best to kill them! Is it evenly matched?
The fierce war continues, and both sides have a feeling that they can’t end this terrible tug-of-war immediately!
A dull noise Niu Mowang foaming at the mouth as fast as lightning finally got rid of the seal.
But tall and fierce, he couldn’t help coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood. His face was pale and his injuries were not light. There was no scar on his body surface. This cowhide defense ability was super strong. What was the injury that damaged Niu Mowang today? Maybe it’s because of excessive consumption and injury, or maybe it’s because the ugly calf is so angry that it vomits blood or both!
All the ancient words faded quickly, and finally disappeared, leaving nothing, as if they had never been to this world.
Did it really never appear? Those words have been deeply engraved in everyone’s hearts, and it is impossible for them to be forgotten because they have disappeared completely.
In the second round, Ma Sanzhi kept suppressing Niu Mowang in a "seven-word" cage, but it was broken by Niu Mowang’s big killing move. As a result, Ma Sanzhi was slightly better than Niu Mowang in vomiting blood, but Niu Mowang still had terrible fighting capacity and would not be so easy to die.
On the other hand, Ma Sanzhi’s quiet and calm appearance doesn’t seem to be a life-and-death battle. He doesn’t have the slightest injury for the time being. Can’t you see from the surface that it will be easy without injury? No, no, no! Ma Sanzhi looked at Niu Mowang’s big belly and weighed how much meat he could eat. At the same time, he secretly glugged, "This beef is really not delicious. It seems that he will be very hungry tonight! It’s not easy to eat food these days, especially eating like me! "
"You little bastard, there are really two tricks that force me to die. My trick is your blessing!" Niu Mowang, who is taciturn, seldom talks like an honest black cow! But is this Niu Mowang really wussy and easy to bully? You can’t judge a man by his appearance!
Pig ring "What, do you want to change your name in reincarnation or call Sun Wu Ma Sanzhi?" This name is too strange! "
Sun Wu "said you are a pig is a pig head! The monkey can’t be the boss of heaven, and the monkey can’t be the boss of heaven. Ma Sanzhi is my reincarnation. It must be kept absolutely confidential. Once my identity is revealed, I can’t be the boss of heaven! Let everyone believe that Ma Sanzhi is a human body, and his mind is also human, not a monkey! He is qualified to be the boss of heaven! "
Pig ring "is so complicated! My old pig is sleepy and wants to sleep. You can talk! "
Chapter 13 The Devil Becomes a Handsome Boy
"Since you want to fight! Then fight! If you want to die, I’ll become you. "Ma Sanzhi’s momentum has changed from just calm to sharp, and it’s amazing to enter the stormy combat state.
"Black holes devour stars!" Niu Mowang roar loud, it’s broad daylight at this time, but it’s like night arrival, the stars appear all over the sky, and the dreamy and elegant splendor comes to Niu Mowang, where he gathers to set off this evil devil in a magnificent and holy way.
Golden Monkey King "The king’s egg is really against the sky these days, even against the yin and yang! This fierce devil has become so masculine and handsome, and let people live? "
Niu Mowang took the initiative to attack Ma Sanzhi with violent devouring power.
The black hole devours the stars, a big killing trick of Niu Mowang, which once hit the 7-character cage, but in the end it failed. The big killing trick is more powerful and can break through the 7-character cage. What’s wrong with Niu Mowang? Because he consumed too much divine power, he vomited blood to the point where he was at the end of his tether. Despair is still not good. Niu Mowang is not a fool. Keeping a spare part in the tug-of-war is to increase the possibility of victory
Niu Mowang forward attack to raise my hand is a black hole, and the stars are even overbearing with every blow! Ma Sanzhi’s fierce confrontation with him is tit for tat!
It’s been knocked to the ground, and there are fierce fighting sparks everywhere, and there are collision edges, terror, strength, poverty and murderous look intertwined like a thrilling serial picture!
Niu Mowang seems to have been intact and not injured. He became more and more brave and powerful, and his magic was varied. He raised his hand and threw a giant tree, pinched and printed, and shook his hand. It was like being arrogant and overbearing. It was like repeating magic, which was overwhelming and dazzling.
It’s amazing. It’s just a big monster. There are so many terrible magic. How many human magic did Niu Mowang learn? It is estimated that the average human cultivator doesn’t learn as much as he does, and the three wits should remain unchanged. All changes are the foundation of the Five Dragon Fists, and the secret method of the Dragon King has evolved to counter everything, and the magical means of weathering and decay have really shocked the world.
Giant trees flew in, hard rocks followed, and then iron fists roared …
Ma Sanzhi’s face was cold as ice, his eyes were serious as fire, he broke the giant tree, split the hard stone and held the iron fist one by one, and he took it bravely to counter his fears.
Niu Mowang, fade away by all means, is determined to fight to the death! Cowhide defense is strong, immortal, tough and difficult to break. Niu Mowang tube attack is hardly defensive
Niu Mowang’s magic moves are all shocking. Today, he is overbearing and incomparable, stronger in the middle, stronger in the middle, and more powerful in the middle. He often punches and kicks, and at the same time, he comes to an attack from time to time, which makes people hard to prevent.
Ma Sanzhi’s pressure is getting bigger and bigger, and his look is getting more and more dignified. His heart vibrates and the other party finally completely throws away the bull’s rough and wild state, and completely displays the powerful magic of human beings. Every magic is a sacred magic, which is unique in the world.
All kinds of magical powers exhibited by Niu Mowang are mysterious and unpredictable, which can make Ma Sanzhi suffer several times.
Ma Sanzhi insists on the same and should change all the time. Punch after punch, punch after punch, storm after stroke, stir up a thousand waves with one hand, and kick out the weight with one foot!
The Story Of Diu Sim watched from time to time and was very surprised. He secretly glugged, "This unique skill of Niu Mowang is really ever-changing. Nothing is the same formula. This variety is dazzling. I really don’t know if Ma Sanzhi is so hard to carry."
Golden Monkey King "The king is the king. I’m going to fight Niu Mowang. It’s estimated that he will be finished soon. He can fight for so long without being hurt! The king’s moves are too simple, but everyone can understand them, but they are very efficient. Accurate and ruthless fists are powerful and deadly. Niu Mowang can be hard to attack if he attacks! "
In the ninth round of fierce fighting, it was a long time. Ma Sanzhi’s single five-dragon boxing and magic played against Niu Mowang’s ever-changing magical powers. As a result, the two sides were equally divided and evenly matched, and it was impossible to tell who was strong and who was weak, and who won or lost.
Ma Sanzhi’s secret method of the Dragon King with both hands is constantly printed, sometimes as fast as flashing and sometimes as slow as a snail making a light sound, branding the Avenue of Heaven and Earth and giving birth to an ancient wooden coffin!
Roar "Give you a coffin!"
Niu Mowang was so angry that no matter what silence is gold, he couldn’t help saying, "Why don’t you send a coffin before you die? Come and pretend to be yourself! " Niu Mowang looked at the coffin carving and was so angry that he felt heartache, headache, foot pain, stomach pain and body pain! There is a big bowl on the carving surface, which is full of cooked beef dinner with rice, clear soup, fruit and other foods that human beings like to eat. Obviously, Ma Sanzhi regards Niu Mowang as the source of beef and eats its meat!

Makarov * * * You Heng almost turned his back in fear. Here we go again!

It was two aircraft formations that threw bombs and then rushed forward for six or seven kilometers, and a roundabout descended on the Japanese-Russian Coalition fleet!
This time, Jiang Ruilin’s plane formation was replaced by Defeng Sun’s formation before, and the two formations came roaring towards the Japanese-Russian joint fleet in two geese formations!
Warships, naval officers and soldiers have been scared silly now. What should we do to wait for a beating? What a bully!
Both Japanese and Russian ghosts are desperately fleeing to remote and sheltered places, and neither of them wants to love bombs. If they can escape, then run quickly!
Makarov shouted "heavy machine guns, heavy machine guns! Give me the heavy machine gun to stand up and fire! "
It’s a warship with a limited number of heavy machine guns, and the maximum oblique angle of two heavy machine guns is only 75 degrees. How can you reach the sky? There are more than ten flames in every warship, but you still can’t even hit the plane!
Jiang Ruilin took the lead in throwing away the remaining four bombs of his plane.
Because the research and development time is too short, the bombs are still thrown manually without mechanized devices. Jiang Ruilin knows that there is an emergency development in the arsenal, but this war is not possible!
Gold bombs fell from the sky again. Jiang Ruilin laughed. "Grandsons always give you some pie! Let you eat enough! "
Well, no one likes pie. Not only will they lose their teeth, but even warships will be sunk!
Unfortunately, this time it was the turn of the Japanese warships to the Russian Pacific Fleet. Thirty or forty bombs fell on the warships of the Pacific Fleet, and a burst of smoke came up with the explosion, and people were killed or injured by the bombs.
Makarov felt distressed and stamped his feet when he looked at the constantly exploding warships. He also lamented that the loss of the Nai Pacific fleet was even greater than that of the Japanese fleet, because the Pacific fleet was mostly some old ships, while the joint fleet was mostly new ships. The protection force was slightly better than that of the Pacific fleet, and Cang Lang had the experience of bombing for the first time. When they came again for the second time, the accuracy of bombing was high. The oldest Russian ship was directly blown into the seabed, and hundreds of Russian sailors fell into the sea, and the warships quickly salvaged the lucky water army. In addition, two warships have suffered severe blows directly, and they have been faltering. One of them, like a Japanese warship, the steam furnace was blown up, which made the warship lose its maneuverability and stay in the sea alone.
Makarov roared.
"Order the Dogo to immediately release the rope and drag the two warships forward and immediately retreat!"
This matter * * * You Heng also ordered the signalman to retreat to the warships of the joint fleet. After running, who knows how many warships will be left in the bomb?
However, after this period, the formation of the tossing plane came back with an impact. This time, there was no bomb on the plane, and the co-pilot had to use heavy machine guns to madly’ shoot’ at the warship soldiers. Even if there was no bomb to hurt the warship, it would be necessary to give heavy machine guns to the imps and ghosts to see how to’ kill’ a group of them!
Defeng Sun’s in the mind is bold and thinking about constantly ordering Cang Lang around him to’ shoot’ and hit the mighty firepower to suppress the warships. Russian troops and Japanese troops dare not’ show their heads’!
At this time, makarov gradually recovered his composure. Why? They’re out of bombs. Heavy machine guns? Without the bomb, I’ll still be afraid of you?
Makarov roared, "All warships stop returning and turn to Lushunkou. They must always give a bad breath in their chests!"
Whether it’s makarov, together with * * * You Heng, it’s so special. I didn’t even see the movie in Lushunkou. Let people beat me and lose. If you don’t go to Lushunkou to find some face, how can you face people?
Two men commanded the undamaged warships to turn around and prepare to continue their attack.
They want to be good, but they don’t want to think that your warship has no ammunition.
Is it stupid to go to the military port to replenish supplies? Can’t you replenish’ medicine’?
At this time, Cang Lang’s look at the third round of attack only killed some naval soldiers, which caused a great threat to the warship method, and immediately ran a shadow department and returned to Lushun Port Military Base!
It’s only more than 20 kilometers away from Lushun Port, and the plane can reach the military base in less than ten minutes, and it takes more than half an hour once and for all!
Anger is monstrous * * * You Heng makarov but can’t care so much. Relying on the strength of the Ma Zhuang ship, the gun is strong and the gun is strong, and it descended towards Lushunkou again.
It’s their bad luck and addiction. Cang Lang Youzi won’t give up. Since you have the courage to come, the old people will send you more pies, whether you kill them or bury them!
Re-equipped with bombs, the plane took off from Lushunkou again and headed for the Russian-Japanese Coalition forces!
Here we go again!
The Russian army and the Japanese army are desperate to find a suitable shelter when they see distant planes. Isn’t it a death wish to find a suitable shelter?
* * * You Heng makarov’s incredible’ rubbing’ and’ rubbing’ his eyes is impossible. How long has this only passed? Less than half an hour! Now the fleets of the two countries have only just advanced less than 10 kilometers. Why are these planes back? Aren’t they not playing medicine weapons? However, the aircraft formation will not leave the two fleets with thoughts. When the aircraft approaches, a wave bomb is thrown again! This time * * * Hummaka
Love is completely desperate. Where is he in a hurry to be bombed? Two people are so stupid! * * * You Heng screamed "No …" It’s a pity that the bomb won’t fall into the sea or stop halfway because of his roar. The bombs fell on the warships and exploded one after another, which made the Pacific Fleet miserable and urged the Japanese Joint Fleet!
Chapter seven hundred and twenty-seven A snow in the navy’s war
Bohai Bay is narrower and narrower towards the inside. Besides, the Japanese-Russian Coalition forces are two fleets, and the two sides can’t avoid some conflicts. It is impossible to act in unison like an army. Even if two people in makarov are deadly, it is difficult to restrain their families. After all, no one wants to lose their lives or let their warships sink to the bottom of the sea!
The two fleets finally took their seats, and after the previous three heavy blows, the navy was even more flustered and tried to avoid the bomb attack. It was an aircraft formation, but it would not give them such an opportunity to escape.
Defeng Sun Jiang Ruilin commanded more than 30 planes to throw bombs at makarov * * * You Heng desperately commanded warships to flee for their lives.
Bombs kept falling on warships, causing several warships to suffer heavy losses, and two of them lost their mobility during the period.
When it rains overnight, makarov * * * Youheng is anxious to jump into the sea. Liu Buchan led the main naval force of the Republic of China to rush out of the Lushun military port and hit the two fleets.
If it is at ordinary times, even if Liu Buchan is conceited, he can’t lead the fleet to attack two powerful fleets like this. It is simply throwing straws against the wind.