Although this dozen people don’t sound like much, now there are more than ten thousand people at the scene, nine of whom are holding a watching attitude. Naturally, they won’t joke with their lives at this time. Those masters know that the time has not come yet and they haven’t started yet. Some people are hesitant to look at the situation again, but more people have made up their minds to stare at the dozen people who rob the golden elixir. If they succeed, they will forcibly rob them. Obviously, it seems much safer to rob things from people than from the golden plate.

Just when the first man was about twenty feet away from then, he saw that dozens of golden lights were shot in the golden plate. It seemed that he was dazzled. The man who ran in front of him even grinned when he saw the golden light coming, but when he threw himself at then, he suddenly felt a cold chest and a broken heart.
It turned out that the golden light was then nothing but a golden shuttle!
Such a shock has already become a fright, and everyone is frightened to disgrace. That is yet to come. You chase after me and catch more than a dozen people, but as soon as you wake up, you quickly turn around and flee. But the golden shuttle is extremely fast and they need to turn around, but it’s a little late. I heard "poop-poop …" A few of them rushed to the front and turned around for a few people. They are not in a hurry and have already lost their lives.
Those golden shuttles were all people who were hit right in the heart. Fortunately, they saw the blood spurting from the rough blood hole at the mouth of the bowl and splashed directly at the gold plate of the treasure. If normal people died and splashed out blood, it would be impossible to fly twenty feet away. What’s worse, these people died of heartbreak. How far can blood spurt without heart pressure? But something is the blood of these people, and he really crossed the distance of more than twenty feet and sprayed it on the golden plate!
Yi Yu see in the eye cold so way "hum! What a vicious crime! So much blood has been shed that it’s not enough. Finally, it’s necessary for people to sacrifice blood to refine Jin Xian! I think it’s an evil fairy! "
Yin Su-tang one leng, she hasn’t thought so much. Now Yi Yu came with her, and she didn’t notice that looking at the fallen bodies, she said softly, "It turned out to be Guang Cheng! I am still the greed of people that causes so much blood! I can’t believe it was Guangcheng! Presumably, these killings and deaths should have been expected when he buried the golden boat! "
Yi Yu smiled and said, "We don’t know if Yu Guangcheng thinks so, but it’s inevitable that people will always give in to temptation, wealth and death." So since we can’t stand the temptation, we should stay away from it. "
Win at the beginning of Qing dynasty, I saw Yi Yu and Yin Su-tang flirting there, and I felt resentful in my heart. Now I see him in that deep heart, more annoyed and angry. "Hum! Stop pretending to be a philosopher! Didn’t you just say you wanted those elixirs? But the horse is coming out. Don’t cry if you miss it. I didn’t wake you up. "
At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, I saw that the seven gold plates in the middle of the land were all suddenly a burst, as if the gold plate in the south was a guide. After it was stained with human blood, it broke all the gold plates, and I saw a burst of colorful light flying, and then the seven gold plates all released dazzling light, which made people unable to stare! When everyone was stunned by the bright light, they heard "bang" when the seven-faced gold plate of hidden treasure was banned at the same time, and they saw a mess. Guanglan Cuiying’s seven treasures were all born and scattered!
Yi Yu ignored the others. He just looked at the nine elixirs, waved his hand and flew straight to the elixir, and immediately followed it. Of course, Yi Yu looked at those elixirs, not to say that they were the best treasures. On the contrary, this elixir was a chicken rib among the seven treasures of Kongtong. If you want to say that he didn’t, this elixir can really improve and repair his vitality, but it is the only treasure for the first time. However, although it is good, it has the ability to seize others, but it is very shit. But at this level, Yi Yu chose this elixir because it is the least difficult to seize it. Those real experts will not come to compete with them for elixir, but those who really need it can’t beat Yi Yu.
Sure enough, as Yi Yu expected, there was no peerless master in this direction, and the three of them had already rushed to the front and left everyone else behind. See that more than ten feet away, nine elixirs were about to scatter, and Yi Yu did not dare to neglect the slightest sacrifice and quickly swept away. It was indeed a treasure to collect things. Although the nine elixirs were quite scattered, Yi Yu collected five at a time.
It is not easy for jade to command to win Qing Chu and Yin Su-tang, but also to fly out and chase for a moment respectively, and Yi Yu didn’t have an idle mind to move. He saw that the golden light flashed around him and flew out of a huge golden retriever palm, and he also caught an elixir.
Yi Yu took out a white jade net bottle from the pure land of bliss and put it in it. At this time, Yin Su-tang and Ying Qing-chu also came back with an elixir, but they were still greedy and looked at the last one that had flown quite far.
Ying Qing said at the beginning of her breath, "Why did you let one go, you little fool? I saw those two not far away just now, and you will be able to collect them!"
Yin Sutang also beside them, "really! At ordinary times, you are quite an elf. How can you be alone this time … "
Yi Yu is not angry and smiles. "You two Xiao Ni are really greedy! There are nine elixirs in all, and we are not satisfied with one. Look at the people who just flew in at the same time, I’m afraid there are hundreds without a thousand! If we all accept it, what do you want people to do? Aren’t those people staring at us with big eyes and small eyes! Now they all go after that one, so they don’t have to bother us. "
Yin Su-tang saw that their current location was very clean relative to other directions, and there followed then to all the monks, and the competition was fierce. Yin Su-tang thought about a low track "brother-in-law! Do you have any bigger goals? "
Yi Yu looked at Yin Su-tang and the thief leaned in. She couldn’t help kissing her face. This is also Yin Su-tang. She deserved to know that Yi Yu is a color blank and sent her pink face to others’ mouths. Who else will be kissed if she is not kissed?
Yin Su-tang is one leng, but she didn’t expect Yi Yu to be frivolous at this time. She stayed until Yin Su-tang came back to taste and was about to get angry when she saw Yi Yu stick her forefinger in her mouth "Shh …" A low track "Su-tang, you are so clever, and your brother-in-law can’t escape your eyes! I really have other plans and … I have a big plan! "
Yin Su-tang is not too angry. Anyway, Yi Yu is frivolous, and she is not once or twice. But today, it is the first time she has seen Win Qing’s early shyness. Yin Su-tang Chen said, "Bah! Don’t flatter yourself. Who will read your bad thoughts? But what do you want? "
Yi Yu pointed out that after releasing the treasure, it was slowly falling into the golden plate and whispered, "I promised Ziqin to give her this plate a few days ago."
Yin Sutang immediately changed color JiaoChen way "hum! I haven’t seen anything from you since I’ve been here for so long! You and Sister Ziqin have only known each other for a few days … Hey! But it’s no wonder that Ziqin’s sister Yan Guantian is my ugly duckling! "
Yi Yu looked at the self-pity Aidit mournful false aunt couldn’t help a burst of dark hate her mouth just now, just said that she would take the seven stars and settle the day, and then it was over. Why do you have to bring Chen Ziqin out? Yi Yu hurriedly appeased, "Who said my Su Tang is an ugly duckling? Su Tang is also beautiful …"
Yin Su-tang is unreasonable. What is "humanity"? Hum! It turns out that the smelly brother-in-law who lied without blinking an eye actually got stuck! "
Yi Yu bad laughed "you this wench is really difficult! To tell you the truth, it’s not for nothing to ask your sister Ziqin for this set of seven-star sky plates. The price is not low! "
Yin element siu-tong one leng freely asked "oh? What’s the price for Sister Ziqin? " If you want to know the funeral, please go back to "The Seven Stars Set the Sky Plate"
Back to the three hundred and twentieth seven stars fixed sky plate
Said yi Yu that fellow no matter when and where I think of it now, I’ll get Yin Su-tang to win at the beginning of Qing Dynasty. Looking at Yi Yu’s wolf grandmother, I naturally know what he thinks, and she just ate that’ twice the price’ loss. Now I want someone to take it, but I have some schadenfreude. It’s even more difficult to win at the beginning of Qing Dynasty and Yin Su-tang. Naturally, I won’t speak to wake her up.
But obviously win early Qing underestimate Yin Su-tang’s wisdom and her degree of attention to Yi Yu over the years. Now Yin Su-tang can be said to have a good understanding of Yi Yu. At this time, I knew at the sight of his bedroom eyes that I definitely didn’t want to be good here. Yin Su-tang hurriedly said, "Hum! People are so rare! I don’t care who you like to send your broken plate to, miss! Besides, Ziqin and I are the best, and our sisters are not jealous, but let you be a bad guy. "
Yi Yu shrugged his shoulders and didn’t care much about it, but it seemed a little depressed at the beginning of Qing Dynasty. "Yin Su Tang, this Xiao Ni, would produce cunning! No wonder you can run away safely after being hunted for more than 200 years! " It’s a bad idea to win Qing Chu because she gave someone a sly hat when she was a Yin Su Tang. What a little woman!
It’s quite smooth for Yi Yu to collect the elixir here, but others are not as lucky as him. The remaining six treasures are fiercely contested. Just like the Emei Sect and the Magic Sect, many people have come here, but if the monks are all here today, they dare not collect all the seven treasures. Now, like the King Xuanyuan, the demon corpse Guchen and the East China Sea fierce demon to check the double shadow, they will naturally not return home! Therefore, the Emei Sect and the Magic Sect also chose to take a treasure light, but both of them secretly sent their brothers to make trouble everywhere.
They said that Huashan School, Wutai School and Kongtong School are the weakest on their side, and no one is sitting on behalf of the old demons. But now that King Xuanyuan has arrived, these demons have a backbone. Although King Xuanyuan has not yet made a move, the three brothers are no longer timid. They are all brave enough to surround themselves with colorful lights, but they are always depressed when they are about to succeed. Although they can’t see the mystery, how can King Xuanyuan be bound?
I didn’t want to win the treasure when I came to the Xuanyuan French king. I was listening to my brother’s report that the situation of taking the treasure in Yuanjiang was very big, and tens of thousands of monks gathered together. At this time, the Xuanyuan French king reflected that the matter was serious and decided to come and see it temporarily, but now that Xuanzhen is so deceiving, he has some anger in his heart and is ready to make a move.
Besides, the magic teaching nature will not be idle, but they are directly sent by the Lotus Princess to wu-tang clan. At this time, the Linlin also knows that someone will make trouble, but the Lotus Princess Xiu is already better than Linlin, and this time it is not that he continues to fight, so that they can’t get a magic weapon from wu-tang clan.
In fact, it is not difficult for Xuanzhen’s strength to seize the magic weapon root before Xuanyuan French King moves, and it is not difficult for Lotus Princess to rob things in wu-tang clan’s hands. But now it is a limited competition. Except Yi Yu gets the elixir, there are six magic weapons left, but these six magic weapons have now become the props of the right way and the magic way competition.
Now it is too strong to gather strength here. The right way is that I sent three immortals in the East China Sea, Luo Qixian, they nest, and a group of allies and monks in Zen temples. It is definitely a former knot, and the magic religion is not weak. The two princesses, King Xuanyuan, Cha Shuangying, and the demon corpse Guchen brothers, together with the evil spirits, are not as strong as the whole, but the nests of the old man with blood god, the old man with resin and the bodhi old zu haha can be reached instantly nearby.
In this case, if the two sides fight hard, the loss can be imagined. But now, whether it is the Emei Sect or the Magic Sect, they are not ready for a formal war. Everyone is restrained, but they all want to crush the other side. This time, it seems that there are six magic weapons left in the competition. If each family has three, it will not fall! ——
Said the demon corpse GuChen and snow mountain old charm at this time is still on the hill without the slightest intention to move.
Snow Mountain Old Incarnate is already impatient to wait. Look at that face with anxious color and trembling fingers. It should be unbearable, but the demon corpse Guchen still has a calm look, calm eyes and a steady body, and there is no trace of anxious color.
For a moment, the snow-capped mountain old charm finally unbearable urgent way "eldest brother! Now that the Ziyun barrier has been broken, what are we still doing here? You see where there are people around here! Even if we don’t reach for the treasure, we won’t go so far! If our fellow travelers see us, our brothers will be timid and afraid to fight! "
Demon resin GuChen responded with a smile "how are we still afraid of shame? I think that when I was imprisoned in Mangcangshan by a real person with long eyebrows, everyone knew that if I was ashamed, I’m afraid I had already lost it at home. What’s there to worry about? Besides, whatever those fools say or do, you see … "
Said GuChen refers to the distant golden boat way "you see now that golden boat is not where the bloody strangulation lives! At this time, we will be involved in the past. If you don’t want to be killed, you must kill people. At that time, there were many life and death enemies, and some people didn’t know who it was. Do you think it was worth it? "
Snow Mountain Old Charm looked at the dead and injured people falling like dumplings, and it was really impossible to say anything to refute the truth. In fact, he didn’t have any idea to watch the fun over there, and some fingers itch to get involved.
Demon resin GuChen glanced at some anxious snow mountain old incarnate indifferently, "I don’t know your mind! Don’t worry, today things are far from over! There will be a chance for you to fight later, and I am afraid that we will not be able to beat others! "
_ ____w_ w_ w___ __ _o_m
Snow mountain old charm way "but by that time those magic weapons …"
GuChen laughed "magic weapon? Do we still have to have those magic weapons? Don’t you think that Qingcheng Sect didn’t come to rob us and must seize the treasure? What’s more, sometimes if you don’t fight or rob him, you will come to you. "
Snow mountain old charm wondered, "Isn’t that Yi Yu coming? And it is still so rampant. How can you say that the Qingcheng School has not come? "
Demon resin GuChen smiled laughed "what? See that child is a little unpleasant? "
Snow Mountain Old Charm didn’t answer, but it was obviously resentful to see him like that.
Gu Chen said, "Brother Mangdu (the old ghost of the snowy mountain), I wake up. You’d better not provoke him. Maybe you just found out that you don’t know his deeds and details. He is very dangerous!"
Snow mountain old incarnate one leng doubt way "an epigenetic what’s great? Isn’t it short Zhu Meidi? I heard that parting is very prosperous recently.
I’m just a junior! "
The demon corpse Gu Chen waved his hand and smiled. "If you think so, you will suffer in the future!"
Although GuChen didn’t elaborate on Yi Yu exactly, the old charm of Snow Mountain has already remembered that it is not difficult to show the details of Yi Yu after careful observation in the future.
Demon corpse GuChen then said "and at this time Yi Yu can be said not to be sent by Qingcheng Mountain! Although the Qingcheng Sect is declining now, the starving camel is bigger than the horse and Li Jingxiu is in charge. If they really want to win the treasure, it is definitely a force to be reckoned with. But now Yi Yu has appeared alone, and he has also got mixed up with the big people. Obviously, the Qingcheng Sect has given up this time to get the treasure. I don’t know what can make Zhu Mei’s stingy and greedy old thing reluctantly give up the Yuanjiang treasure? "
This Qingcheng Sect’s secret work is not bad. Now Heaven and Man still don’t know that Zhu Mei is taking the Qingcheng Sect’s elders to clean up the door and surround and kill the Styx.
Guchen glanced at the snow-capped mountain old charm again, hoping that he could keep these words in mind. "And now Yi Yu is not what he used to be. He is too strong and has more people. Maybe you don’t know Yi Yu’s" Pure Land of Blissfulness "and his women. If you count up, I’m afraid his women are not much weaker than the Qingcheng School. It’s a bit of a big deal, but judging from Zhu Mei’s attitude towards Yi Yu, it seems that he is also interested in cultivating successors. I just don’t know if Yi Yu can watch the Qingcheng School now.
Just as Yi Yu was talking about those things, the old charm of Snow Mountain naturally looked in the direction of Yi Yu and them. At this time, Yi Yu just received a star, and when he saw it, he couldn’t help but exclaim, "How fast!"
Demon corpse GuChen laughed. "It’s surprising that they chose the most easily-changed elixir, and there are magic weapons to help them. The three people are strong and you see that he deliberately missed an elixir at last, which can attract others’ attention but save a lot of trouble."
Speaking of which, the demon corpse GuChen suddenly passed a bright eye and murmured, "A lot less trouble! Hmm? Is Yi Yu a person who is afraid of trouble? If his personality is overbearing, I’m afraid it will be all in his pocket. If anyone looks jealous and wants to make trouble, just cut it. How can it be so convergent this time? Don’t … He has any bigger plot? "
At this moment, the demon corpse’s face changed again. Just now, his eyes swept away and he saw that Xuanyuan method, which had not been moved, had also rushed to Guchen to look closely at the situation in that field. I couldn’t help but suddenly realize a slight smile. "I can’t believe that Xuanyuan French king couldn’t help it!" Since he has played, our brothers should not be idle! "
As soon as the voice fell, the demon corpse GuChen flew and rushed to the snowy mountain. When the old spirit saw GuChen move, I couldn’t help but get excited and quickly followed him.